© Centennial West Rouge Dentistry, Port Union and Lawson Road.
Dr Joseph Tabri Dentist


Who is a Candidate.

Almost all adults are considered good candidates. There are, however, factors to consider during treatment planning: Age: 18 years of age is a minimum to place implants, as the facial bones may still be growing and need to mature. Certain chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, may contribute to implant failure, however, once controlled implants can be performed with proper management. Smokers: Studies have shown that smokers have a greater rate of failure than the norm. Poor oral hygiene: much like periodontal disease, poor oral hygiene can lead to implant loss. Bruxers and grinders:Studies have also shown that people that grind their teeth can fracture the crowns and or implants . The good news, is that with proper care and habit modification implants can still be a possibility.

What’s the procedure?

Prior to any procedure, your dentist will assess risk factors, take diagnostic casts and X-rays to determine: Amount of bone available Proximity to nerve and/or sinus Space available between teeth A certain implant size and length will then be selected. The procedure itself is relatively straight forward and can be accomplished in about an hour on average. With proper management most patients will be back at work the next day.

How long will it take to get my tooth?

It will take on average 4-6 month for the implant to integrate into the bone. At that time the implant will be tested to make sure it is solid. A mould is taken and the crown is then fabricated.
449 Lawson Rd Scarborough, Corner of Port Union and Lawson (416) 282 5213
In addition to General Dentistry we also offer more specialized treatment:
are considered the new standard of care when it comes to replacing missing teeth. They are versatile, lightweight, biocompatible and extremely strong. Made of titanium, they are anchored to the bone. Implants do not decay, preserve bone contour, prevent future bone loss and replace missing teeth without affecting neighbouring teeth. They can be used for single or multi-tooth replacement. They can also be used to anchor dentures adding stability and retention.
Dental Implants
We offer a one stop surgical and prosthetic solution. If you are interested in Implants email us at joseph@drtabri.com or give us a call at (416) 282-5213
© Centennial West Rouge Dentistry, Port Union and Lawson Rd.
Dr Joseph Tabri


Who is a Candidate.

Almost all adults are considered good candidates. There are, however, factors to consider during treatment planning: Age: 18 years of age is a minimum to place implants, as the facial bones may still be growing and need to mature. Certain chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, may contribute to implant failure, however, once controlled implants can be performed with proper management. Smokers: Studies have shown that smokers have a greater rate of failure than the norm. Poor oral hygiene: much like periodontal disease, poor oral hygiene can lead to implant loss. Bruxers and grinders:Studies have also shown that people that grind their teeth can fracture the crowns and or implants . The good news, is that with proper care and habit modification implants can still be a possibility.

What’s the procedure?

Prior to any procedure, your dentist will assess risk factors, take diagnostic casts and X-rays to determine: Amount of bone available Proximity to nerve and/or sinus Space available between teeth A certain implant size and length will then be selected. The procedure itself is relatively straight forward and can be accomplished in about an hour on average. With proper management most patients will be back at work the next day.

How long will it take to

get my tooth?

It will take on average 4-6 month for the implant to integrate into the bone. At that time the implant will be tested to make sure it is solid. A mould is taken and the crown is then fabricated.
In addition to General Dentistry we also offer more specialized treatment:
are considered the new standard of care when it comes to replacing missing teeth. They are versatile, lightweight, biocompatible and extremely strong. Made of titanium, they are anchored to the bone. Implants do not decay, preserve bone contour, prevent future bone loss and replace missing teeth without affecting neighbouring teeth. They can be used for single or multi-tooth replacement. They can also be used to anchor dentures adding stability and retention.
Dental Implants
We offer a one stop surgical and prosthetic solution. If you are interested in Implants email us at  joseph@drtabri.com  or give us a call at (416) 282-5213
24 Appointment 24 Appointment